Garbage Collection Update: Some garbage and kitchen waste was not picked up as scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 30 - 31). If this happened to you, please leave your garbage and kitchen waste out as our contractor, Emterra, is working to get caught up on these routes.   

November 14, 2023

Town of Sidney Council Meeting Highlights: February 13, 2023


Sidney, BC;

Highlights from regular Council meetings provide a brief summary of some items of broad public interest. The summary is not inclusive of all agenda items. Please refer to for the full agenda, minutes, and webcast.

Draft Strategic Plan ready for public review

On January 12th, Council conducted a 2023 strategic planning session. The goal of this full-day session was to update Council’s key priorities and strategies for the year ahead. The draft plan includes the competition of current projects, such as the development of an Active Transportation Plan, and the addition of new priorities, such as the return of the Sidney Thursday Night Street Market on Beacon Avenue.

The Strategic Plan will continue to be revisited by Council each fall to ensure goals and actions reflect current realities. The plan is now available for public review at Council will consider any public feedback before potentially finalizing the plan at the upcoming February 27th Council meeting.

Staff Report

Video (2:57:25) 

Town to contribute $25,000 to Roberts Bay salt marsh restoration project

Council has approved a $25,000 contribution to a salt marsh restoration project at Roberts Bay, led by Peninsula Streams and Shorelines. The funding will support an on-the-ground effort to restore the eroding salt marsh to its historic size, as outlined in a 2022 coastal engineering analysis conducted by a consultant. The Town’s funding will come from redirecting $25,000 initially planned for the development of a stormwater management plan for Mermaid Creek, which may proceed at a future time. A funding agreement will accompany the Town’s contribution to ensure public accountability.

Staff Report

Video (44:05) 

Town to apply for climate adaptation grant to undertake local sea level rise mapping

Council has directed Town staff to apply for a grant from the Union of BC Municipalities’ Disaster Risk Reduction – Climate Adaptation program. If successful, the grant could provide up to $300,000 to fund enhanced flood mapping, the collection of additional wave data through a buoy in Sidney Channel, and public engagement efforts to raise awareness of flood risks among community members who live in low-lying areas and spend time along Sidney’s waterfront.
The information gathered through the mapping exercise and Sidney Channel buoy would refine proposed flood construction levels to reduce the risk of rising sea levels and increasingly severe storms.

Staff Report

Video (3:01:50) 

Town moving to implement BC Energy Step Code into Building Bylaw

Council has directed staff to notify the Province of its intent to implement the BC Energy Step Code by amending the Building Bylaw. The BC Energy Step Code sets standards for the energy efficiency of new buildings that surpass the base requirements in the current BC Building Code. The Town’s notice to the Province will kick off a six-month transition period, during which time the Town will consult with the development community and draft amendments to the Building Bylaw for Council to consider. The Step Code is expected to become mandatory across the Province in the year ahead, and has already been implemented in the majority of other local governments in the Capital Region, including North Saanich and Central Saanich.

Staff Report

Video (3:02:52) 

Council approves 16-unit townhouse development at Fifth Street and Malaview Avenue

Council has approved a 2.5 story townhouse development consisting of five separate buildings and a total of 16 units on the southeast corner of the Fifth Street and Malaview Avenue intersection. Council also approved a Development Variance Permit to reduce the minimum front yard setback for the project. The proposal is consistent with Sidney’s Official Community Plan, which allows for multi-unit residential development in appropriately designated areas, as part of a regional effort to increase housing supply.

Notice of Development Variance Permit Application

Video (2:22:28)

Media Contact:

Mayor Cliff McNeil-Smith
Town of Sidney