The Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) is a strategic plan that is adopted by the Capital Regional District (CRD) Board that defines a regional vision. As the Capital Region’s population continues to increase, growth must be managed to ensure that regional sustainability and livability are enhanced over time.
As a municipality in the Capital Region, the Town of Sidney must work collaboratively with the other twelve municipalities and a single electoral area to achieve regional objectives. Each municipality is a partner committed to the implementation of the Regional Growth Strategy and supports its vision, context, objectives, principles and policies.
Regional Context Statements are the policy tools which link municipal Official Community Plans (OCPs) to the Regional Growth Strategy. The Regional Context Statement identifies how the OCP is consistent with and will works toward achieving the goals and strategies set out in the RGS.
If an OCP is not consistent with the RGS, then the Regional Context Statement must explain how the OCP will become consistent with the RGS over time.
Sidney is designated as a ‘sub-regional node’ of the Capital Regional District in the CRD’s Regional Growth Strategy.
Bordered on all sides by rural- and agriculturally based North Saanich, and with Central Saanich to the south, Sidney is highly connected to its neighbours through the role that its downtown and employment areas play and the many communities it supports.
Sidney’s Regional Context Statement is found in section 4 of the Official Community Plan.