Garbage Collection Update: Some garbage and kitchen waste was not picked up as scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 30 - 31). If this happened to you, please leave your garbage and kitchen waste out as our contractor, Emterra, is working to get caught up on these routes.   

Police Services

Policing services are provided to the Town of Sidney by the RCMP-GRC through a Federal/Provincial/Municipal contract. The police detachment is centrally located at 9895 Fourth Street in Sidney behind Town Hall.

Sidney/North Saanich RCMP provide diverse policing services to the surrounding Northern Saanich Peninsula and First Nation communities, as well as the Willis Point region, and 52 islands and coastal waters extending to the USA boundary.

The Sidney/North Saanich Detachment is comprised of 32 police officers and nine civilian support staff. Uniform officers are divided into four watches providing a 24-hour, seven day a week on-duty response to emergencies and calls for service. Specialized units within the detachment are organized into a four-officer Major Crime Unit, two-officer Traffic Unit, one Community Policing officer, and two First Nations Policing officers.

You can reach the Sidney/North Saanich RCMP Detachment by phone at 250-656-3931

Volunteer Opportunities

The detachment’s Community Policing Unit is rebuilding volunteer and crime prevention programs following the suspension of many programs during COVID 19.

An active Block Watch Program continues to expand to Sidney neighbourhoods and connect with a detachment coordinator through an email network. New volunteers have been recruited for the Speed Watch and Citizens on Patrol programs.

If you would like more information about volunteer opportunities, please call Jim Shepherd at 250-655-9224.


Fraud is a growing issue in Sidney with scammers finding more sophisticated ways each year to target local victims. Below are seven tips from Sidney/North Saanich RCMP to residents spot scams. If you have questions related to potential fraud, do not hesitate to contact the RCMP at: 250-656-3931.

Image with text including seven rules to prevent scams