Garbage Collection Update: Some garbage and kitchen waste was not picked up as scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 30 - 31). If this happened to you, please leave your garbage and kitchen waste out as our contractor, Emterra, is working to get caught up on these routes.   

Climate Action Plan

The Climate Action Plan was updated in 2022. The intent of updating the 2010 plan was to ensure that the updated version was consistent with current best practices and the latest science. Approved by Council on July 18, 2022, the updated Climate Action Plan will help make sure that Sidney is resilient to new risks associated with climate change and outline how Sidney is planning to participate in the global effort to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Sidney’s Climate Action Plan is comprised of two parts:

Part One – Where We Are Today

  • Introduces the concepts of climate change and climate action; provides an overview of community climate risks; presents the corporate and community GHG inventories; and outlines Sidney’s GHG emission reduction targets.

Part Two – Where We’re Going

  • Contains 51 local actions that the Town can take to address climate change over eight focus areas. This part of the plan is meant to establish a high level framework for implementation, including which Town department would lead each project or initiative, and its approximate timeline and cost.
  • Projects identified in the Climate Action Plan will require project-specific planning and funding, to be addressed by Council as part of their annual budget and strategic planning processes.





Additional Information

You are also welcome to email:  at any time with ideas and suggestions on how Sidney can take action on climate change.

Community Emissions Inventory

  • Completed by the CRD (Capital Regional District)
  • Sidney’s inventory starts on page 58


Climate Risk Assessment for British Columbia

  • Completed by the Provincial Government to assess climate risk across BC


Climate Projections for the Capital Region

  • Completed by the CRD to assess climate risk across Greater Victoria


Coastal Sea Level Rise Risk Assessment

  • Completed by the CRD
  • See Appendix B, Focus Areas #19 South Sidney and #20 Tsehum Harbour


Coastal Flood Inundation Project

  • Completed by the CRD to assess flood risk due to projected sea level rise and various potential Tsunami events
  • For a brief overview of the project, refer to the Project Summary Report