Garbage Collection Update: Some garbage and kitchen waste was not picked up as scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 30 - 31). If this happened to you, please leave your garbage and kitchen waste out as our contractor, Emterra, is working to get caught up on these routes.   

Significant Tree List

Sidney’s trees are an important part of our urban environment. In addition to the value trees offer the community by providing shade, absorbing rainwater, dampening sound, and supporting mental wellbeing, some trees may be particularly significant. As such, the Town is creating a list of these Trees to inform municipal decision-making processes. This is one of the actions identified in the Town’s 2019 Urban Forest Strategy.

The purpose of this list is to ensure that staff are aware of which trees might have particular significance to the community, so that that significance is able to be considered during various municipal decision-making processes. This list is intended to be used by discretion for operational purposes. It is not tied to the Tree Protection Bylaw and does not establish any new legal requirements.

The Town has established five criteria used to determine whether a tree will be included in the Significant Tree List:

  • Outstanding specimen: The tree is of notable size, age, or shape
  • Historically or culturally significant: The tree was planted by an important person in history or has other recorded historical or cultural importance
  • Landmark: The tree is well-known to the community
  • Rare species or unique growth: The tree species is rare or has a particularly unique growth pattern
  • Wildlife habitat: The tree is recorded as a perch or nesting tree for a species-at-risk in the past two years

For a tree to be considered Significant, it must meet the conditions of at least one of the five criteria, as determined by Town staff.

The Town of Sidney will accept significant tree nominations from Sidney residents, property owners, business owners, and local employees. Note: Community members can only nominate a tree on their own property or on public property.

If you would like to nominate a tree, please complete our nomination form. A recent photo of the tree is required as part of your submission.

Nomination forms can be submitted via email to or in person at Town Hall. Staff will follow up once a review of the nomination information and initial assessment is complete. If needed, staff may contact the nominator to complete an in-person assessment of the tree.

If a nominated tree is approved, the nominator will be notified and the tree will be added to the Town’s internal Significant Tree List. If the property owner wishes, the tree can also be tagged as a Significant Tree.

For more information contact