Garbage Collection Update: Some garbage and kitchen waste was not picked up as scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 30 - 31). If this happened to you, please leave your garbage and kitchen waste out as our contractor, Emterra, is working to get caught up on these routes.   

Flood Risk

Community Flood Risk in Sidney

Major storms, like heavy rain, melting snow, and/or storm surges can increase risk of flooding, particularly in low lying areas. Sea levels are expected to rise gradually over the century as a result of climate change, and winter storms are expected to increase in intensity. Planning for climate change and sea level rise in our community now will help reduce costs and impacts in the future since the risk from wave inundation (shoreline flooding) is expected to increase over time.

  • Familiarize yourself with the CRD Tsunami Portal and the low-lying areas that you may frequent. Being aware of potential risks can assist you in planning accordingly.
  • Make an Emergency Kit. All emergency kits should include basic survival items like food, water, blankets, first aid materials, flashlights, a radio and batteries. For a full list, visit the Prepare Yourself page.
  • Build an Emergency Plan with your household. You may have special considerations during an emergency, such as vision, hearing, mobility, speech, language or understanding limitations. Your plan should include the things you may need to shelter in your home or away from your home.
  • Register to receive public safety alerts – sign up for Saanich Peninsula Alert.

  • Listen to local authorities. Trusted sources include Saanich Peninsula Alert as well as local government websites and social media pages
  • Revisit your emergency plan and activate as required
  • Gather your kit(s)
  • If it is safe to do so, check in with your neighbours
  • Stay away from the waterfront

For more information on Flood Risk information, visit the Sea Level Rise page.

  • Store valuables and important documents in water-tight containers or in higher places
  • Keep storm drains clear of debris
  • Clean your gutters regularly
  • Be aware of what is in your basement

If you can, consider larger home improvement projects that can reduce the impacts of flooding. For ideas, review the BC Flood Preparedness Guide.

Storm Drain Leaves

Want to learn more about flood risk in Sidney? View the presentation below, or attend one in person. Staff will be hosting additional Community Flood Risk Awareness presentations in the coming year. Check back here or the Town’s social media pages to catch the next one.