Garbage Collection Update: Some garbage and kitchen waste was not picked up as scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 30 - 31). If this happened to you, please leave your garbage and kitchen waste out as our contractor, Emterra, is working to get caught up on these routes.   

Planning Permits

Planning supports and oversees the functions of community wide land-use planning and site specific development planning. Planning is primarily responsible for managing growth and development through the administration of applicable land use bylaws and policies adopted by Council.

The following are the most common land use and development bylaws:

In some situations, a property owner may require a development application.

Types of Development Applications

For properties within a Development Permit Area (DPA), an approved Development Permit may be required before a Building Permit can be issued. Please review the consolidated DPA Map and contact the Development Services Department to determine if a property is located within a DPA and which DPA guidelines apply.

If a Development Permit is required, staff will check the application against the DPA guidelines as outlined in the Official Community Plan and for compliance with other municipal regulations.

In general, a Development Permit is required for:

Please see the Town’s Guide to Development Permits for more information. As well, the Land Use map and ESA map from the OCP can be found in the Maps section below, along with the consolidated map of Development Permit Areas in Sidney.

Properties and buildings come in many shapes, sizes, terrains, locations, and contexts within a town. All new developments must conform to the applicable bylaws; however, Development Variance Permits can allow for the relaxation of regulations in certain bylaws, on matters other than the use or density of the land.

Please see the Town’s Guide to Development Variance Permits for more information.

A Zoning Amendment, or rezoning, is a land use amendment to the Town’s Zoning Bylaw. This involves changing the zone of a property to a different zone or amending the requirements of a current zone. If the rezoning application is consistent with the policies outlined in the OCP, it can proceed through the process without an OCP Amendment.

If the rezoning application is not consistent with the OCP, the Zoning Amendment and the OCP Amendment application are processed concurrently through similar processes.

Please see the Town’s Guide to Zoning Amendments for more information.

The Town’s Official Community Plan (OCP) is the community’s collective vision for the Town. It provides policy direction for land use, servicing, and the form and character of development within specific areas of the Town. In order to change any of the policies outlined in the OCP, in other words, to change the vision approved by Council, an OCP Amendment is required.

Please see the Town’s Guide to Official Community Plan Amendments for more information.

A Temporary Use Permit can allow for a use in a specific zone that is not a current permitted use for a specific period of time. This allows for temporary uses that do not conform to Zoning Bylaw regulations, without the need for a zoning amendment.

Please see the Town’s Guide to Temporary Commercial and/or Industrial Permits for more information.

Subdividing a property involves the division of land into two or more parcels. As the complexity of subdivision applications can vary, it is recommended that you contact the Development Services Department to discuss your ideas before submitting a subdivision application.

Please see the Town’s Guide to Subdivision Applications for more information.

The Board of Variance is an independent body from the Town Hall that deals with appeals for minor variances where compliance with the Zoning Bylaw would cause undue hardship unique to the property in question.

Please see the Town’s Information Sheet on Board of Variance Applications.