Garbage Collection Update: Some garbage and kitchen waste was not picked up as scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 30 - 31). If this happened to you, please leave your garbage and kitchen waste out as our contractor, Emterra, is working to get caught up on these routes.   

Single Use Plastics Bylaw

On May 24, 2022, Council approved the Single Use Plastics Bylaw No. 2231, which came into effect January 1, 2023.


This bylaw will prohibit the distribution and sale of the following single use plastic items:

  • Plastic checkout bags
  • Foam containers
  • Plastic drinking straws
  • Plastic stir sticks
  • Plastic utensils

For the definitions of these items and further detail, please see the bylaw.

Plastic Bag Alternatives

Instead of single use plastic bags, the following may be provided:

  • Paper checkout bags (must charge a fee of at least $0.25)
  • Reusable checkout bags (must charge a fee of at least $2)
  • A plastic bag has been returned to the business for the purpose of re-use


Some key exemptions include:

  • Hospitals or licensed community care facilities
  • Provision of plastic drinking straw to someone with a disability


Fines will range from $100 – $10,000 for every instance an offence occurs.


Frequently Asked Questions

Single-use plastic and foam items are products and packaging that we throw away or recycle after just one use. These items can end up in our landfills and in our oceans and rivers, where they contaminate our soil and water.

The following items are not permitted under the bylaw:

  • Plastic checkout bags
  • Plastic cutlery
  • Plastic straws
  • Plastic stir sticks
  • Foam containers (i.e., for taking food to go)

There are exemptions for certain organizations and businesses. Please read the bylaw for more detail.

Plastic checkout bag means any bag that is produced from plastic, including biodegradable or compostable plastic, that is intended to be used by a customer for the purpose of transporting items purchased or received by the customer from the business providing the bag.


Section 3.2 of the bylaw states that a minimum fee is to be collected by the business if providing a paper checkout bag or a reusable checkout bag. Studies have confirmed that fees are more effective than discounts in motivating customers to bring their own reusable bags. Fees may be used at the discretion of the business owner.

Non-compliance with the bylaw (section 5.2) may result in a fine of between $100 – $10,000 if a ticket is issued. However, the Town is currently focused on outreach and education, and supporting businesses to remove or reduce barriers to achieve the elimination of single-use plastics.

Section 3.2c of the bylaw states that a minimum fee is to be collected by the business. The fee may be used at the discretion of the business owner. For example, the fee may be used to offset the costs of alternatives to plastics, environmental programs, or staff training. The fee could also be used for informational notices which advise customers that the business is transitioning away from single-use items. Customers often appreciate transparency on how businesses will use the fees collected.

Many types of plastic packaging is necessary for important health and safety functions, and some have limited alternatives commercially available at this time (such as coffee lids). However, many of these packaging materials are readily recyclable and are accepted by RecycleBC either at curbside or depot. Check out the CRD website to learn more about local recycling.

No. As defined in the bylaw, bags labelled either compostable or biodegradable are not permitted. Bags labelled compostable or biodegradable without certification are not accepted in all recycling and/or municipal green bin programs, and do not break down in marine environments.

If the item carries one of the compostable symbols below, it is permitted. However, if an item claims to be compostable or plant-based, but does not have one of these symbols, it would not be permitted under the bylaw.


Logos that identify what products are certified biodegradable. Circle with leaf and tree arrow on the inside.

If a customer is first asked whether they need a bag, businesses may provide recycled paper bags or reusable bags for a fee. Businesses can encourage their customers to bring their own reusable bags. Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) provides additional guidance for selecting alternative to single-use plastics.

Yes. Section 4.1c states that a business can provide a non-compostable plastic flexible or non-flexible straw to customers as they are an important accessibility tool. Businesses can provide a straw to any customer who requests one for an accessibility need.