Garbage Collection Update: Some garbage and kitchen waste was not picked up as scheduled on Tuesday and Wednesday (July 30 - 31). If this happened to you, please leave your garbage and kitchen waste out as our contractor, Emterra, is working to get caught up on these routes.   

May 29, 2024

Town of Sidney Council Meeting Highlights: May 27, 2024

Sidney BC

Highlights from regular Council meetings provide a brief summary of some items of broad public interest. The summary is not inclusive of all agenda items. Please refer to for the full agenda, minutes, and webcast.

Council considers changes to Zoning Bylaw as a result of community feedback, bylaw to proceed to first and second reading

Council considered revisions to the draft Zoning Bylaw as a result of public feedback, and directed staff to bring the draft Zoning Bylaw to the June 10th Council meeting for possible first and second reading.

Recent changes to the draft Zoning Bylaw include, but are not limited to:

  • Permitting the addition of secondary suites in single-family homes in multi-family residential zones (RM zones) and part of Galaran Neighbourhood zoned ‘West Sidney Mixed Use Village – Tier 1’ (M2 zone);
  • Removal of a new requirement prohibiting surface parking for new developments on lots of 1,000 square metres or more in the Downtown Commercial Zone; and
  • Limit of one residential unit per lot for new developments in Marine Industrial Zones on Harbour Road to preserve industrial use of these lands.

Members of the public were invited to provide input on the draft Zoning Bylaw during an input period that ran from April 26th to May 12th. During this period, approximately 350 people attended six in-person events held by the Town.

If the draft Zoning Bylaw is given first and second reading, a public hearing will be scheduled and advertised so community members can provide further input on the bylaw.
Staff Report                   Video (1:32:48)